Android Libraries

There are lots of exciting libraries out there to use in your Android development, these are the  libraries we’ve used during the development of the Simply Fish App. They were chosen for their ease of use and performance.

  1. Volley – A library to take away the pain of accessing the web.
  2. GSON – A library to convert JSON objects into POJO’s and vice versa.
  3. ButterKnife – A dependency injection library useful for simplifying the boiler plate code needed for even the simplest Android App.
  4. greenDAO – never see a SQL statement again, unless you want too, an Android ORM (Object Relationship Manager).

One bit of advice, do not re-invent the wheel, if there is a library out there to do a particular task you need then use it.

A few sites I regularly visit to see whats happening in the world of Android,

  1. Android Arsenal – A goldmine of searchable libraries
  2. Awesome Android – User Interface Libraries
  3. Android Developers Blog – A blog from the developers of Android.
  4. Android Design Patterns – Some useful information see May the Fragment be with you.
  5. Android Developers on Google + – Google plus account where you can ask the developers and Android support teams questions directly and to see all the latest Android technical news.

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